Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Justin Afifi - Cool Hand Luke

Directed by: Stuart Rosenberg

Cool Hand Luke is the story of a rebellious man sent to a correctional facility for a misdemeanor charge. While in prison he plays by his own rules and gains a following amongst his fellow inmates.

The opening scene of Cool Hand Luke features Luke at night in a drunken haze cutting off the tops of parking meters off, just for kicks. A drunken Luke plops down and continues to drink some more, until a police officer pulls up and places Luke under arrest. The scene sets up the story of Cool Hand Luke as it introduces the ultimate nonconformist and shows just how something as stupid as cutting parking meters in half can land you in a correctional facility.

Shot 1
A closeup of a parking meter that reads violation.

Shot 2
Closeup on a device cutting into a parking meter.

Shot 3
Another closeup of the parking meter

Shot 4
A hand twisting the device to cut the parking meter.

Shot 5
Yet another closeup of the parking meter violation.

Shot 6
Low angle shot of Luke's feet as he spins around the parking meter.

Shot 7
Closeup of the parking violation again.

Shot 8
Closeup of another meter being cut.

Shot 9
Eye level shot of the meter and Luke cutting it off.

Shot 10
Low angle shot of Luke's feet and the meter top falling to the ground. The camera pans up to an eye level shot of Luke drinking a beer. Luke is lit high contrast, a streetlight supposedly providing the light.

Shot 11
The camera fades to a canted right angle shot of Luke walking in between two rows of parking meters.

Shot 12
Back to an eye level shot of Luke cutting off yet another parking meter.

Shot 13
A medium longshot of Luke in between the rows of meters and falling to the ground.

Shot 14
An eye level shot with Luke leaning against a parking meter, popping a bottle top. He's lit (high contrast) by light acting as a police headlight.

Shot 15
Medium longshot focusing on the brightness of the police headlight as a police officer questions what Luke is doing.

Shot 16
An eye level shot with Luke smiling after the police officer tells him that he's under arrest.

1 comment:

Naima Lowe said...

You've done a good job here of addressing the formal issue of shot distance, but I was also looking for details on some of the other elements of mis-en-scene and cinematography that we discussed and read about.