Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Not There

            Todd Haynes’ “I’m Not There” is an example of an artist being inspired by another artist and creating a collection of stories from his works and status as an icon.  I’m Not There is an experimental, non-linear film that involves six characters that seem to be inspired by different aspects of Bob Dylan’s life as well as rumors and legends surrounding Dylan.  It seems that Haynes, like many others, has been inspired by the highly influential Dylan and decided to make a film based on various perceptions of Dylan.

            This film is not your average biopic and there are fragments weaved together to attempt to tell a story.   The title card in the beginning says it all: “Inspired by the  Music and Many Lives of Bob Dylan.” The director uses interpretations of Dylan’s music to create a story that reflects the mysterious Dylan.  The words “Bob Dylan” are never mentioned in the film, not even when Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett seem to be dead ringers for the folk singer. Instead, they are Dylan inspired characters that resemble different periods of Dylan’s career or are based off his music. Christian Bale’s character of Jack Rollins seems to portray Dylan when he was becoming a big star on the folk music scene, while Cate Blanchett’s character of Jude Quinn seems to be portraying Dylan around the time he was involved in his motorcycle accident. Some of the characters are more abstract, like Richard Gere who resembles Billy the Kid.

            The film “I’m Not There” is about the inspiration and power of iconic folk singer Bob Dylan. The story is disjointed, complicated and like a puzzle to try to piece together his life. This movie seems appropriate for such a complicated and powerful influence as Bob Dylan.


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