Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Time will prove everything"

As a fan that appreciates and listens to the music by the musician Bob Dylan, yet had not seen the film, I'm Not There, I was not expecting the film to turn out how it did. It was one of those movies for me where I was shook after it ended and really didn’t know what to think at first. There was so much going on amongst the several key characters in the film I could not put 2 and 2 together. It was different; it was a style I was not use to.

However, as much as I did not understand the film, I finally came to realization that Todd Haynes was trying to capture the same essence within the six characters that all portrayed Bob Dylan. In the film, not one of the characters had an understanding of what was happening within their life and also where life was taking them.

Bob Dylan lived quite a ridiculous life of renown in his early days and continues to such a life, now just a little more aged. Dylan endured his life day by day, living each day a little different than the previous. No one could understand him or keep up with his kind of lifestyle that changed each day. In the film, each character casted a different time period of Dylan’s life. One of the characters that depicted him was the outlaw, Billy the kid. The outlaw on the run ended the movie with a quote after he escaped from everything saying, “I don't know who I am most of the time. It's like you got yesterday, today and tomorrow all in the same room. There's no telling what can happen." That completed the entirety of Bob Dylan.

Hayne’s interpretation and meaning for the periods of time can only be completely established if you really know what Bob Dylan’s state of mind of each character was about. The mysterious vibe of the famous musician life was certainly documented, as it should be in this film.

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