Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HANCOCK and The Highest Paid Star of '08: Will Smith - Darnell Brown

What is "Star Power?" Well, it's the energy those things up in the sky run off of. No? Let me try again. Star power is when you have a normally horrible film that you won't think twice about going to go see and the minute you hear: "Staring...." your interest is peaked. And soon you find yourself sitting in a film that you knew going on wasn't going to be good but somehow, they got your seven bucks...or $10.50 if you live in Delaware and go to Regal Cinemas. For directors, studios and anyone involved in the production aspect of making a film, having an actor with "Star Power" is crucial because it means you'll have more seats filled. And no one embodies this more that my man, Will "Blockbuster" Smith. A man who has eight films that have grossed at least 100 million in a row. You want star power? His latest, "Eight Pounds". There's no way in hell I was ever thinking about going to go see that movie simply reading the short synopsis on the screen. When I clicked and saw Smith's skiny as head on the poster, I knew at some point I was going to go see it. I mean WTF? I really don't think it's going to be good. Yeah sure it might get him an Oscar nod but...yeah.

Take this past summer's "Hancock". Directed by semi-respected actor director Peter Berg. This was Smith's seventh film to gross 100 mil. This film benefited from being an action film coming out during the era of "Superhero" films. But that alone wouldn't have put asses in the seats. The premise of the film was actually good too, until it got to the second half and turned into a completely different film. So why did I see it and buy the DVD? You know the name: Smith. His star power is undeniable. Which is incredible considering he's a former raper turned highly respected, bankable actor. He also benefits from genetics. It was reported recently that while Smith was the highest paid actor, the closest actress only made close to half of what he made. Cameron Diaz.

Star power is essential to have when making a film. It sucks that actors get paid so much money while the gaffer only gets...whatever he/she makes. But think about it. Without Will Smith, would I have really gone to see Hancock? Probably, but I wouldn't have bought the DVD. Whether it's the Fresh Prince episodes I watch all the time (You know you do too) or the countless times I watched him say, "Oh no you didn't shoot that green shit at me!" in Independence Day, or watch him befriend aliens in M.I.B (one and two) or watch him say hello to a mannikin after vanipires killed his dog friend in I am Legend. Will Smith's star power crosses demographics and racial boundaries. For a black man to be the highest paid actor of '08 and have seven films in a row gross over 100 mil, is amazing. For him and the studios because until his likeabilty runs out, we'll be seeing, Handcock 2 or "What I was befrore I am Legend" because even though when you sit at home and look at the trailer online and say to youself, "Damn, that sucks", you'll be saying the same thing when the lights come back on in the theater only the past tense verison.

1 comment:

brunk said...


"Which is incredible considering he's a former raper turned highly respected, bankable actor."

He's a raper! LOL!

Remember to edit...